Offering consumers the chance to enjoy the unmistakable taste of their all-time confectionery favourites.

Twix drink 350 ML

Snickers drink 350 ML

Maltesers drink 350 ML

Milkyway drink 350 ML

Mars drink 350 ML

Bounty drink 350 ML

M&M peanuts drink 350 ML

M&M choco drink 350 ML

M&M brownie drink 350 ML
Spreads 350g
Delicious treat of chocolate spreads

Mars spread

Twix spread

Snickers spread

Bounty spread

Milkyway spread
Spreads 200g
Delicious treat of chocolate spreads

Twix spread

Snickers spread

Bounty spread

Milkyway spread

Mars spread

M&M spread
Hot Chocolate powders
Complete range, giving consumers the choice to make their hot chocolate just the way it is.

Milkyway magic stars hot chocolate 140g

Bounty hot chocolate powder 140g

Mars hot chocolate powder 140g

Twix hot chocolate powder 140g

Maltesers hot chocolate powder 140g
Hot chocolate pods
Enjoy your hot chocolate from your favourite confectionary brand

Mars hot chocolate pods 8 pcs

Milkyway hot chocolate pods 8 pcs

Twix hot chocolate pods 8 pcs

Maltesers hot chocolate pods 8 pcs

Snickers hot chocolate pods 8 pcs

Bounty hot chocolate pods 8 pcs
Yummy cookies of your favourite confectionary brands

Maltesers biscuits 110g

Bounty soft baked cookies 180g

Mars Cookies 162g

mini M&M's Cookies 180g

Twix caramel centre cookies 144g

Mars caramel centre cookie 144g

Bounty secret centre cookie 132g

Twix secret centre cookie 132g

Mars secret centre cookie 132g
Milk snack
Chilled milk snack from your favourite confectionary brand

Mars milk snack 6-pack

Bounty milk snack 6-pack

Milkyway milk snack 6-pack

Mars milk snack single bars

Bounty milk snack single bars

Milkyway milk snack single bars